Friday, 15 January 2010


1. Are you male or female?
Male: 5 Female: 5

2. What age range are you in?
11-14 1
15-17 7
18-20 2

3. Which out of the artists below do you like the most?
Lady Gaga 2
Justin Bieber 1
Hinder 1
Pink 3
Muse 0
Paramore 3
Rihanna 0

4. How many times have you been to music concerts?
never 2
once 3
less then 5 times 3
more then 5 times 2

5. Do you buy CDs?
yes 3
no 7

6. Do you download off programs like Itunes?
yes 8
no 2

7. Do you illegally download music?
yes 7
no 3

8. Listen to this song, which of the following would you expect to see in a music video of this genre (pick 2):
live performance 6
narrative 3
crowd scenes 4
special effects 2
sexualisation 3
dancers 1

9. Do you like all-female bands?
yes 4
no 6

From the demographic profile, we considered that the audience for our music video would be both male and female, therefore we asked an equal split of males and females to ensure fairness. However, when it came to considering the age range of our demographic, we chose to focus our questionnaire towards 15-17 year olds, as this is what we believe the majority of the age range of our target audience to be. As can be seen from the results, Pink and Paramore were the highest scoring for most popular artists, reflecting that female pop/rock is popular within our demographic. This can be reflected in question 4, as both of the artists are known for attracting fans to concerts and both perform live, as opposed to lip syncing.

Its clear from our results that the majority of people in our demographic choose to download music, perhaps because it is easier to access then buying CDs from a shop, and can be immediately put into devices such as Ipods. We played our target audience an extract from our chosen song (Veruca Salt - Straight), and from this we asked for what they would expect to conventionally appear in the video. It is clear that a performance aspect is crucial in a rock video, conforming to the conventions of rock music videos. However, it is clear our band will be considered in a niche market, as less people opted for liking all-female bands. This could work to our advantage as it allows us to create a music video which is less mainstream and more unique.

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