On Wendnesday the 18th of June our class were given the task of creating a music video.
We were told about all the work we needed to do prior to filming our final video.
Our class were first told to research different types of music genres. Ella and i chose Reggae and worked together to created a power point presentation of all our research. We also made notes on everyone elces presentations and music genres.
Our second task was to film 'the human form without moving and create interesting iconogrphy'; which basicaly ment film someone standing still and make it look good :D. We were told to edit what we had filmed to two different types of musci, one fast paced and one slow. Our challenge was to do interesting things with the camera and make sure the editing suited each music types.
We began this work by looking at different images that inspired us and gave us ideas. We thought the idea of masks would look good and make the iconography of our film interesting. We liked the idea of the people in the fram looking like puppets or manikins. Ella and i looked at several different images of masks and we realy liked the look of Mardi gras masquerade party masks as they looked fun and colourful but for our actual film we decided to use Napoleons death mask. We chose to use these masks because we felt that the hidden faces added mystory to the film.
On Wednesday the 1st of July we did our filming.
Our next task was as a class to create a minny music video of Britney Spears' "Hit me baby one more time" which was realy fun!! I took on the role of dance choreographer where i had to teach the class the dance routeen. I also participated in the filming side too where i filmed the locker scenes and the close up shots of 'Britney'. The film is still in the process of being edited so will post it when its done :D
After this we had to choose the song we wanted to create our music video to. we were given a list of 20 songs and had to narrow them down to three, our 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice just incase we didnt get the one we wanted. The songs were picked on a 1st come 1st served bases and luckily enough we were able to get our 1st choice of song: veruca salt, stright.
This was all before summer since then Imogen has joined mine and Ella's group!
Currently in class in amongst disscussing our ideas for our music video, (including when, where and who will be involved) we are researching 'The big 4' and creating a power point presentation on it.
And that brings you up to date on 12a5's work so far!!!!
Georgie... Blogging off :P
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