Monday, 21 December 2009

Band Myspace

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Presentation on a genre of music - Reggae

Click on presentation to view full screen.

Album Art

Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Research & Planning - "Big Four" Record Companies

Click on the presentation to have it on full screen.

Monday, 19 October 2009


Today we uploaded all of the film that we had shot so far and we began to edit it together. we've only got the first 3 second at the moment but its getting there only 2 more locations to film in an then we've done! were getting there slooooooooowly! :D

Thursday 15th October - BHS Filming

Pick up Cameras from school and aim to arrive at BHS at 2pm. after signing in, need to set up and make sure lighting and cameras are ready for filming at 3ish.
finish at 5pm

When we arrived at BHS we found out that the corridor in which we were filming in had no plugs in which we could set up the lighting kit so we had to use the light we had and the light reflector to make as much light as possible. although the lighting is quite dark and grainy we think that it creates a nice effect and provides a different style to our video.

Tuesday, 6 October 2009

Friday 9th October - Recording Studio Filming...

Plan of Action -
Items needed: cameras x2, tripod, monopod, lighting kit, made up, costumes, stills camera.
People involved: all band members, imogen filming.
Location: Cherry Pie Recording Studio in Wimbledon.
Meet at 10 in media to collect equipment then go to wimbledon in cars, set up by 11.30 to finish filming in the band room and recording studio by 2.
photos of day:

Who's Doing What...

(will include who is doing what job in each location and what they are responsible for....)

Location Shots and Casting...


Main party scene :


Bushy Park:



Recording Studio:


Lead singer:
Kirstin Luton-

Georgie Pollard-

Nicola Wheeler-

Ella Stephen-

To be continued....

Monday, 28 September 2009

Georgie's Music Video Analysis! :P

just did a music video analysis ofRihanna's song 'Disturbia'. I chose to analyse this song as it has similar iconography as to what we hope to use in our final music video. And surprisingly i actualy enjoyed doing this...

i also did some audience research: We researched into what our audience would be if we were to
release our band. To do this we looked at artists which we
similar to our band and looked at their audience. We looked
at the artist ‘Pink’. Her targeted audience is mostly
teenagers who are female. He songs would appeal to a white
working class audience. We did this for our own band
Age: teenagers
Sex: mainly female
Class: working class
Race: white
Life style and attitudes: trend setters, drugs, sex, drink,

Music Tabs...




You sleep better when you're,
you eat better when you're
you sing better when you're
You need me more when you're straight.
Is this the weekend?Is that your girlfriend?
No, she's green and innocent.
You smoke her like she's incense.
You smile. [x3]
Stay straight for me. [x2]
I'll wait till summer's over,
I'll love you through October.
I'll give you everything.
I'll trade you anything for her.
Yeah, oh yeah.
Stay straight for me. [x3]

Wednesday, 23 September 2009

Makeup + Costume

Party- slutty punk
Underpass- punk
Recording Studio- Casual
Garden- casual/ gothic punk
Bushy Park- ?
BHS- Glammour punk

After looking at similar music vidoes and having gathered the main body of our ideas we thought about what look we wanted our musicians to have. Having gone for a punk theme we looked into gothic punk style makeup and outragious slutty costumes...

Here are some of the pictures we looked at for inspiration for makeup...

Using these as inspiration i then experiemented with what we could do... these were the results...

Shots and Ideas For Filming

-close up of high heals at the beginning
-glitter on drums
-splatting eachother in paint-back drop for band
-ciggerettes and blowing smoke in reverse
-slowmotion head bang
-girls grinding
-loud make up
-the thing in the shower and/or bath-party/ pool
- maybe set up band with no one there infront of pool...?
-flashing lights in the windows of the house
-alocohol, and maybe a glass thats fefilling its self
-pills on a toung-tattoos on body parts, and words that appear on body parts
- maybe the lyrics?
-different coloured lipstick for close up on lips...
-a sped up shot of ellas aunties garden where the party will be through out the day leading into the party
-coloured gels-close ups of MK-face paint
-different hairstyles in different shots
-MK lying upside down hanging off a bed singing
-filming in the underpass
-a collection of shots with just MK in the BHS manakin corriror

- at the circus

Our main ideas for our video are to film a goth/ punk party in the garden of a big house showing a clear link between the lyrics and the visuals. We want a main party body and then back ground dancers. All with bright makeup and costumes. Our location for the party has a swimming pool so plan on maving some shots using that. We also want to film in an underpass, if we can get all the instruments there. we feel this will create a back street uncivilised effect. as she is singing about loosing a boyfirned and another girl being better than her it connotes that she has been thrown out and cast aside.

We have set some rough dates for location testing, filming and shopping...
Friday 25th September - makeup testing, circus filming + underpass location shots
Friday 2nd September - costume testing and shopping
Friday 9th October - Music Studio filming
Friday 15th October - BHS filming
Tuesday 27th October - underpass filming
Thursday 29th October - Band filming
Saturday 7th November - Party filming

Tuesday, 22 September 2009

Audience Research...

On the 17th of September we began our lesson by writting down three songs that we had recently downloaded from the internet, on the bored was a grid which looked like this...

We added our songs to the list and for each song we voted on whether we liked, disliked, or had never heard of the song/ artist. We had vaied results showing that there was a varity of music tastes within our class. This was the start of our thinking into audience research. We began looking into Maslow's theory showing the needs of the hierarchy, the easiest way to show this is through a diagram...

We looked at the type of consumers and studied Young and Rubicans four consumers;
Mainstreamers- upper middle calss and middle class
Aspirers + Succeeders- lower middle calss and skilled working class

Reformers- working class, people at lowers and of income
This shows how media companies group people to enable them to target their product in the right direction.
To find out which consumer we were we took the test at the results were
Georgie; Aspier
Ella; Succeeder
Imogen; Mainstreamer

This made us think about what audience we should target. We thought about similar types of music/artists, their audiences and compared them with ours.

Our aim will be to hopfuly target a simmilar audience to her. This is because she has a rock chick feel to her which is what we want to create with our girl band.

Imogen and Georgie... blogging off :P

Monday, 21 September 2009

This Is Our First Blog!!! :P

On Wendnesday the 18th of June our class were given the task of creating a music video.

We were told about all the work we needed to do prior to filming our final video.

Our class were first told to research different types of music genres. Ella and i chose Reggae and worked together to created a power point presentation of all our research. We also made notes on everyone elces presentations and music genres.

Our second task was to film 'the human form without moving and create interesting iconogrphy'; which basicaly ment film someone standing still and make it look good :D. We were told to edit what we had filmed to two different types of musci, one fast paced and one slow. Our challenge was to do interesting things with the camera and make sure the editing suited each music types.

We began this work by looking at different images that inspired us and gave us ideas. We thought the idea of masks would look good and make the iconography of our film interesting. We liked the idea of the people in the fram looking like puppets or manikins. Ella and i looked at several different images of masks and we realy liked the look of Mardi gras masquerade party masks as they looked fun and colourful but for our actual film we decided to use Napoleons death mask. We chose to use these masks because we felt that the hidden faces added mystory to the film.

On Wednesday the 1st of July we did our filming.

Our next task was as a class to create a minny music video of Britney Spears' "Hit me baby one more time" which was realy fun!! I took on the role of dance choreographer where i had to teach the class the dance routeen. I also participated in the filming side too where i filmed the locker scenes and the close up shots of 'Britney'. The film is still in the process of being edited so will post it when its done :D

After this we had to choose the song we wanted to create our music video to. we were given a list of 20 songs and had to narrow them down to three, our 1st, 2nd and 3rd choice just incase we didnt get the one we wanted. The songs were picked on a 1st come 1st served bases and luckily enough we were able to get our 1st choice of song: veruca salt, stright.

This was all before summer since then Imogen has joined mine and Ella's group!

Currently in class in amongst disscussing our ideas for our music video, (including when, where and who will be involved) we are researching 'The big 4' and creating a power point presentation on it.

And that brings you up to date on 12a5's work so far!!!!

Georgie... Blogging off :P